Welcome to Unsurveyed.xyz, your go-to for reality capture and 3D scanning! Explore in-depth articles, easy software tutorials, and useful links to terrestrial scanners, mobile scanners, and more. Enhance your skills with this informative content!
This initial stage involves setting up and calibrating the laser scanner, scanning the area to gather detailed 3D data, and capturing high-resolution images for colorization. Real-time monitoring ensures data quality during the scanning process.
In this stage, raw scan data is imported, aligned, and merged to create a single point cloud. Noise reduction, georeferencing, and colorization are also performed to enhance data quality and accuracy.
Finally, the processed data is prepared for delivery in the required format. This may include generating 3D models, 2D drawings, Analyses, Maps, or other deliverables, and ensuring the final product meets the client's specifications and requirements.
Reality Capture Hardware
Mobile Scanners
Leica TRK 100 | Leica TRK Neo | Leica TRK Evo
Mouse Pad / Desk Mat
Mouse Pad, 80 x 40 cm, Microweave polyester